Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Puddle: 9am and 10:30 Wonder Science 9-11-12

Adults walk by puddles....being very careful to avoid stepping inside.  

But children are drawn into the puddle.  

It's irresistible to them. 

Many of them will even risk the scolding they know they will receive to take a jump in.
While we walk past an entire ecosystem, children attempt to become part of it.
I don't know where or when us Adults seem to lose this adventurous spirit, a sense of being curious about the world around us.
In her book, The Sense of Wonder, by Rachel Carson (I cannot recommend this book highly enough!!!).  She explains (I am totally paraphrasing here ;) that Mommies and Daddies seem to get caught up in things like:  naps, mealtimes, schedules, bedtimes, etc... so we forget to take the time to see, to really see-what's right beside us.
Rachel Carson (not a mother herself, so maybe this is why she was gifted with this special sight) used to wake up her nephew in the middle of the night to go on night walks.  She said the outside world is completely different at night and we all miss the magic of it.
How many of us would dare wake up our little ones in the middle of the night to go for a walk?
As much as I admire Rachel, I have yet to do it myself.
There's no one more brilliant than your young child.  

If you come away from Wonder Studio with nothing else.  Know this one thing.  

Your child has the power to show you an entire new world.
A world you used to know yourself.
You just lost your eyes somewhere along this road of life.
We can spend some time together exploring the puddles on the sides of the Road.
What lies beneath?
What will we learn when we look deeper?
For an hour or two, here or there, we can let go of Naps, mealtimes, keeping our schedules, etc... and forget that we are supposed to Teach our children things.
For an hour at Wonder Studio, we can let our children Teach us!

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