Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Winter Wonder Studio!!!

Winter Wonder Studio Saturday class...

 Ice cream dough...

Experiences offered at Wonder Studio MUST include a variety of ways to explore possibilities.

At the table above...
Spray bottles with colored water
Squeeze bottles with hair conditioner
Wooden Spoons
Trays, pans, and containers
 How the children use these materials is up to them...
 My job is to offer an environment that promotes:

 Offering children materials and experiences that create "problems" are critical.
 How does the water travel through the tubes?
What can happen if a cranberry gets stuck in the funnel?
 If the adults allow the children to enjoy these "problems" rather than solving the problem for them...
children will begin to learn a "Stick to it" disposition to learning.
 Problems begin to be exciting and opportunities for deeper meaning for the child.
 Stopping ourselves from doing for the child...and instead doing With the child.
The adults are modeling that these "problems" are expected and there is something to be gained from exploring the different options.
 The Gift of Wonder.
 I wonder how this can be done in a new way...
 What will happen if you...
 Let's see what we can do here...

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