Wednesday, October 15, 2014

A Dulled Soul : Thursday Baby Wonders Class 4

So, you might have missed this article in the paper a couple of weeks ago but I cut it out and saved it because I felt it was really important.
I always read the "Dear Abby" column (sshhh, don't tell ;)
Anyway, this one was the "Tell Me About it" part and here's what 
Relaxing Vs. Giving Up? wrote in:
Is it ok to work your butt off during school, get a great job, make good enough money, then just coast off that?  I'm happy, but I feel a little lazy too.  I'm not motivated to make any more money since I'm comfortable.  My modus operandi has always been to push myself like crazy, so it feels like I'm cheating somehow.  
I feel like this question could come from any of us...from any of our own children.
Go to school...
Work hard...
Make good grades...
Play a sport...
Go to college...
Work Hard...
Get a job...
Work hard....
I'm not sure if she's really asking if she is "allowed" to enjoy life at some point??
Is she wondering how to even begin to "coast" along?
Through her entire childhood, she "Worked her butt off" and now has what she supposedly worked her butt off for but for what?
And, even more importantly...for whom?
Childhood is THE most important time in a humans life.  Of course, it's filled with tremendous growth, understanding, and the shaping of our future life.
But, how can we change our direction, with our own children, from meeting goal after goal after goal to instead a direction that emphasizes...
The beauty of life.
For my own children, I want them to come out of this childhood thingy Knowing what motivates them.
That Relaxing in the beauty of life doesn't mean you're lazy.

In the book Play, by Stuart Brown, he writes very important words:

"The opposite of play is not work-the opposite of play is depression.  Our inherent need for variety and challenge can be buried by an overwhelming sense of responsibility.  Over the long haul, when these spice -of-life elements are missing, what is left is 
a Dulled soul."
Play is the most important thing we do as humans.  

Somehow, as our children get older...we send the message that Homework, getting good grades, studying, going to the best college....these are the things that matter most.
And, it's wonderful to have that fantastic prestigious job.
But, not if you're left asking yourself...
"Is this all there is?"
I often hear of children sitting and doing hours of homework after school...Their younger siblings are envious and so the parents offer them "homework" (worksheets) too in an effort to "include" the younger ones.
The teachers say the parents want the homework..The parents say the teachers want it...
The research says there is really no benefit at all to giving kids homework.
As a matter of just steals time from children.
Time is precious.
Let them play.
Make them play.

Through play, we learn who we are, what we like, what we find motivating...
If you know and enjoy play, You will never see life as Dull.

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