Thursday, October 10, 2013

Shy: Week 4

I'm  a "Shy" person.

Yes, I admit that, when I was younger, I was not a little shy, I was a lot shy.  
By shy, I mean...

I didn't talk a lot.
But, I thought a lot.

I wasn't friendly.
But, I had one friend.
I didn't want to hug strangers.
But, I loved cuddling with my mom.
I didn't speak to adults in a cute, mature way using "adult" words that made them laugh or declare how darling I was.

But, I told my sister jokes and made her laugh.
I didn't make the cheer leading team because I couldn't get the spirit words out of my mouth.

But, I LOVED to sing in the shower!
I didn't want to read aloud in school.

But, I loved reading in my big comfy chair at home.
I didn't like it when people said I was too quiet.

I didn't like it when people asked me why I was shy.

My mom never said I was too quiet.

My mom never said she thought I should be any other way.
However, one day while we were shopping at the mall (I was probably around 9 or 10 years old)...she needed to know the time.
She told me to go up to a stranger and ask them what the time was.
I didn't want to.
She told me I had to.
Nervously, I walked over to a complete stranger, and I asked.
They told me.
She pushed me to do little things like that from time to time.
Over the years, it became easier and easier.
I'm not shy anymore.

But, my daughter is.

I cringe, when people OFTEN say to her, "You're shy." "You're quiet."

As if it is a negative attribute.

A teacher once said to me, "So, why doesn't your daughter smile?"

I said, "Because she doesn't care what you think."

"She will smile if she really means it."
I just love that about my girl.

She's thinking, she's watching, and I'm so proud that she's shy.

In Teacher's college, they said, "Don't use the word SHY to describe children."

"Shy is a negative word."
But...I like the word, shy.  

There's nothing wrong with it.

There is something wrong with people who believe pleasant and precocious children are smiley, cute, and speak maturely.

While, many of them do DO cute things and say cute things...

There are many many children... who frown...who don't talk...and they generally like to avoid your attention.
However, these kids do Love to be noticed.

They love to laugh.

And they love hugs.

Just get to know them first.

Play with them...Talk with them...Tell them a story.
Shy is really a beautiful thing.
***Of course, as my son also teaches me, being Loud and boisterous, and having a strong sense of adventure, is also beautiful!***


  1. This is a lovely blog, so true, i LOVE this Shannon!

  2. Thank you for posting this perspective. Avery is "shy" and sometimes downright fearful in new situations. People come up all the time and tell me (and her) that she's (too) shy and quiet. I've thickened my skin to what I perceived as negative comments...and embrace the empathetic, intelligent, observant person she whatever way she decides to present herself outwardly to the world. She talks about this class constantly, so happy she is a part of it : )
