What are the Expressive Arts and what can I offer?
- Expressive Arts are for ALL ages. Both children and adults can benefit from these classes.
- Expressive Arts can be arranged 1-1 or with small groups.
- ANYONE can do expressive arts! You do not need to be an artist or a "creative" person. Come as you are!
Through the Expressive Arts, Shannon can offer:
Guiding and facilitating the client's development of a creative practice in order to integrate body/mind/spirit.
Facilitating understanding of expressive arts as a healing and transformational tool to use throughout the client's entire life.
Identifying creative techniques (visual arts, movement, journaling, vocalizing, etc..) that will serve the client's health and wellness.
My (Shannon Lipan) training is taking place with Expressive Arts Florida Institute. http://www.expressiveartsflorida.com REACE stands for:
Registered Expressive Arts Consultant Educator
From: IEATA (International Expressive Arts Therapy Association)
“An Expressive Arts Consultant/Educator uses:
- creative process and multimodal expressive arts into a variety of environments.
- Facilitators use expressive arts as tools for conflict resolution, organizational development, education, personal or professional growth, the healing arts, spiritual enrichment and more.
- While this work may be of therapeutic value, it is not psychotherapy nor does this registration give recipients authority to conduct psychotherapy.
The Expressive Arts Consultant/Educator uses a variety of arts processes such as:
- visual art
- movement or dance
- creative writing
- voice techniques
- music
- poetry
- She or he understands the potential in using expressive arts in the above contexts and has working knowledge of the various art processes and materials.”
Guiding Principles of Expressive Arts Training Program (Expressive Arts Florida Institute)
We believe in the positive power of creativity in every person.
We believe that creative practice serves health and wellness.
We believe in the holistic nature of Expressive Arts, as it engages the whole person - body/mind/spirit.
We believe that the creative process and art-making itself is healing and transformational.
Our approach to interpersonal Expressive Arts work is that of “bearing witness”, so that the person, group, or community may see him/her/itself more clearly and discover new possibilities for healing.
Our focus is on the health-giving nature of Expressive Arts.
Shannon’s promise: (Based on Natalie Roger’s The Creative Connection Credo)
I am aware that going on one’s inner journey can be a frightening, exhilarating, exhausting adventure.
I will be present for you but not intrusive.
I have faith that you know how to take care of yourself. I won’t be responsible for you or take away your power.
Nor will I abandon you.
I will respect you and your decisions for yourself. I have faith in your ability.
I will support you and encourage you on your inner journey.
I may challenge you and your belief system, at times, but I will always respect you and your truth.
I will encourage you to try new things, to take risks into the unknown of your inner work, but I will never push you.
I will offer you expressive arts media to help you open to your innate creativity and discover your inner essence. You are free not to use these media.
At times, I will give you my opinions and feedback but will always check it out to see if it’s meaningful to you.
I will honor my own boundaries and yours to the best of my ability.
I am open to learning from you at all times.
I make mistakes, do things I’m not pleased with, and am misguided at times. In such instances I will say so. I am able to say, “I’m sorry.”
I promise to keep our sessions confidential and will not share any of your art, processes, or conversation with anyone without a formal request and permission given by you. At this time, I am NOT requesting any sharing of our work together.
-Shannon Lipan
Guidelines for Client
Be aware of your feelings as a source for creative expression to be channeled into art (Color, clay, collage).
For example, if you are feeling confused, you can dance or draw or write the confusion. If you are bored, tired, or stuck, you can dance or draw those feelings, as well. If you are sad or happy, you can use colors or a poem, sound, or movement to express those feelings.
Be aware of your own body and take care of yourself. Create movements that suit your ability.
With these exercises, you are your own boss. You always have the option not to do them even though I am suggesting them.
These experiences stir up many feelings. You may need to cry or let out sounds, which can be extremely helpful as you involve yourself in the proces..
There is no right or wrong way to create the movement or art, sound or writing. The purpose is to involve yourself in the process of creativity for self-learning.
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