Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Truth About Grit
New research is showing that it is not your child's IQ that will indicate his/her level of success in later years... But instead, it is his/her ability to handle adversity, and go back at it again and again.  
My baby is now crawling everywhere, pulling up to standing, and even experimenting with steps. He falls over and over again (Maddening!) but he keeps getting back up again.  What happens to our children as they get older? Many of them seem to lose this inner drive and motivation.  I know with my daughter, I was quick to intervene and rescue... with my son, I am much slower to swoop in.  How much are we able to influence this development of grit?  Or is it all just luck of the draw?  Or perhaps both?
Check out this article:

Friday, November 11, 2011

I'm Back Baby!

The Wonder Studio Classes Return!!!
The new little guy (as well as his older sister) has been keeping me very busy but I am ready to return, at least for one morning a week :)...
Classes begin Wednesdays 9am and 10:30am 
January 11th, 2012

It was very exciting to have the classes fill so quickly but I do apologize to those who didn't get a space.  I dislike having to turn anyone away but I have to do what is right for the children already enrolled.  Each child added also adds another adult and it gets crowded very fast.  I find the more adults in the room, the children become more hesitant to freely explore.

For those of you already enrolled, check the blog, from time to time...There have been some changes this past year, and I will do some posting to reacquaint myself with the blogging world!